①1aTicktheactivitiesyoudoonyourbirthday.□eatbirthdaynoodles□takephotos□openbirthdaygifts□haveabirthdaycake□makeawish② □hearthe“HappyBirthday”song③温馨提示:此符号表示“考点精讲点拨”链接。1bReadthepostsfromanonlineforum.Choosethemainideaoftheposts.A.HowtocelebratebirthdaysB.Whotocelebratebirthdayswith...
Hopefully not the postal system. 5. How did you celebrate your birthday this past year? Is that typical? This year Josh and Laura had us over for brunch to celebrate my birthday and it was wonderful. It is typical for us to enjoy a meal together but we usually go out. 6. Insert you...
Thank You For Raising The Man of My Dreams Heart Necklace – Hand Stamped Jewelry – Mother In Law Gift A Gift Poem For A Mother-in-law, 87, A Present For A Mother-in-law’s 50th 60th 65th 70th 80th Birthday.