Israelated - English Israel blogs 2008 Related Words Log in or sign up to add your own related words. synonyms (88) Words with the same meaning accessory accident accidental accidentality actuarial calculation addendum addition adjunct adventitiousness adventure appendage appurtenance...
Meaning "a particular detail, matter of small consequence" is from c. 1300; sense of "that which is non-essential" is from 1590s. Obsolete sense of "formality about an important event, ceremonious accompaniment" (late 14c.) lingers in Shakespeare's phrase pomp and circumstance ("Othello" ...
Auric, is an adjective meaning of gold. Ian Fleming chose the name to commemorate the architect Ernő Goldfinger, who had built his home in Hampstead next door to Fleming’s; he disliked Goldfinger’s style of architecture and destruction of Victorian terraces...