And tonight the forge fire has been lit for the first time since renovation work began. The chimney has now been tested and it draws very well - there is no smoke in the shop. The shop is once again back in operation. The floor around the anvil has been leveled, the old corn crib ...
For everyday decisions like “should I order out for dinner tonight?”, “should I take a uber at later time or take the college shuttle scheduled for an earlier time”, “should I skip my afternoon class tomorrow?”, “should I go for this event or stay back to finish the assignment?
At this time of year, many of you probably share with me the bittersweet feeling of closure drawing near. It’s been another immensely rewarding growing season at Harlequin’s, and we are so grateful to have had the opportunity to introduce hundreds of new Colorado gardeners to appropriate an...
(even in a gutted out mini van). But, as he's done throughout the race, Guntram has proven me 100% wrong; we've been eating like kings (good and healthy food, too). Tonight he, Michael, and I are indulging in a five-course meal that I'd wager no other crewmember in any ...
Many hands are raised for you tonight, Magnus. December 11, 2016 Klah’s Rare Musical Note Found to Improve Social Lives The Earl of Whippet (above), with Roger (further above) Many things exist in Klah that do not exist in other countries, such as ice cream made from twigs, and twigs...
I’m super excited that Lynn invited me to join her for a #RUSHED twitter party tonight!!! We both have new releases out so we’ll be talking books and giving away all kinds of goodies! So, join us on TWITTER @ the hashtag #RUSHED tonight, from8-9pm EASTERN!