Synonyms be befall betide chance come come about come down come off cook do go down [slang] go on hap occur pass transpire See all Synonyms & Antonyms in Thesaurus Examples of happen in a Sentence Something like that was bound to happen sooner or later. You never know what's going ...
Merriam-Webster unabridged Popular in Grammar & Usage See All Democracy or Republic: What's the difference? Why is '-ed' sometimes pronounced at the end of a word? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words ...
4. Pair Work In English you get words with similar meanings (synonyms) or words with opposite meanings (antonyms). Find more pairs of synonyms and antonyms in the story. Discuss why such words are used.Synonymsterrible - horribleAntonymsblack-white 5. Complete the summary with the information ...
比如第26小题,根据第八段中的The dictionary lists a lot of strange words as synonyms for doohickey.The most common are whatchamacallit,whatnot and whatsit.可知这些单词都收录在了字典里面。D 项the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for Learners of American English中的Merriam-Webster Dictionary即是一本字典。
PaulQ Senior Member UK English - England Apr 11, 2016 #3 To happen and to take place are not exact synonyms in all circumstances, but in your context they are close enough to be considered as such. C Chigch Senior Member Nagoya, Japan Mongolian Apr 11, 2016 #4 I see. Thank ...
Switching synonyms:While India and Turkey are topical examples of the inclination for nomenclature rebranding, the 20th century is dotted with instances of other such name changes. In 1989 the authoritarian military government in Burma—a country named after the Burmans, the dominant ethnic group—ca...
Merriam-Webster adds that doohickey may be a combination of two other words:“doodad" and“hickey" .Strange as it may be,both of these words mean the same as doohickey.The dictionary lists a lot of strange words as.synonyms for doohickey.The most common are whatchamacallit,whatnot and whats...
Ifyouareinaverylargeclass,itmaynotbenecessarytogreettheteacheronarriving,butitisalwaysquiteproperifyouhappentocatchtheteacher’seyeasyouenter. ComingLate Itisbadmannerstocomelatetoclass.Ifyouareunavoidablylateanapologyshouldbemadetotheteachereitheratthetimeorafterclass. ...
综合教程1 Unit 3 Whatever Happened to Manners?Culturalinformation 1.QuoteJohannWolfgangvonGoethe:Aman’s mannersareamirrorinwhichheshowshisportrait.Ideasofwhataregoodmannersvaryindifferentregions.Forexample,peopleinWesterncountriesusuallykisseachothertoshowtheirgreetings,whereasinChina,kissinginpublicissomething...