The cause of these dis- crepancies might be that hapFLK is less sensitive than BayeScan to distortions caused by demography (e.g. bot- tlenecks, differences in effective population sizes amongst breeds, etc) and hierarchical population structure2,7. Moreover, hapFLK is also expected to be ...
飞盘入选新课标或成奥运新增大项 飞盘比赛结束后,年轻人围坐成圈自我介绍。 南都拍客 付海燕 摄 广州二沙岛,玩飞盘的市民。 南都记者 谭庆驹 摄 与露营一样,飞盘这项运动正在各大城市崛起,受到不少年轻人的追捧。今年初,小红书发布《2022十大生活趋势》显示,过去一年,飞盘相关内容发布量同比增长6倍,如今“飞盘”...
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