Hapag-Lloyd is a global leader in container shipping, specialising in reefer cargo, dangerous goods and special cargo projects.
German liner giant Hapag-Lloyd has homed in on two privately owned Chinese shipyards to build up to 24 LNG dual-fuelled container ships worth more than $4.2bn. Hapag-Lloyd pushes 30-vessel newbuilding tender ahead with shipyard shortlist Read more Yangzijiang Shipbuilding ...
Hapag Lloyd Container Tracking Customers can access online tool to check the container status: To track a container, a client has to enter the Hapag Lloyd number in format ABCD1234567 The client has to enter the unique container number and then press the icon ‘Track’. It will show the cur...
With its ten sister vessels, the “Al Jmeliyah” numbers among the so-called “Ultra Large Container Vessels” in Hapag-Lloyd’s fleet. Image Credits: hapag-lloyd.com However, this was not the first time that Hapag-Lloyd has christened a ship in Rotterdam. The most recent ...
“By converting the ‘Sajir’, we will be the first shipping company in the world to retrofit a container ship of this size to LNG propulsion”, said Richard von Berlepsch, Managing Director Fleet Management at Hapag-Lloyd. “By carrying out this unprecedented pilot, we hope to learn for ...
Hapag-Lloyd container tracking lets you track your cargo containers online. Monitor your cargo with Hapag-Lloyd tracking and get live updates on your shipments.
Hapag-Lloyd has signed an agreement with IKEA Supply Chain Operations to decarbonise container shipments originating from Asia. "For the period March 2024 to February 2025, both companies have agreed to use Hapag-Lloyd’s highest product option for biofuels, Ship Green 100, which relies on waste...
Hapag-Lloyd, the fifth-largest container shipping major in the world, completed the study’s first-ever phase in May this year. This has allowed the company an initial impression of what this kind of vessel might look like. In the summer, this shipping major initiated phase two, which is ...
48CM赫布罗特 Hapag-Lloyd集装箱船模型,海艺坊船舶模型工厂,专业品牌17年。服务热线:400-850-0017 承接各种船舶模型的设计与生产。主要产品有冻柜集装箱船舶模型订做,冻柜集装箱船舶模型哪里卖,冻柜集装箱船舶模型工厂,冻柜集装箱船舶模型制作,20尺冻柜集装箱船舶模型批发,20尺冻柜集装箱船舶模型定做, 20尺冻柜集...
官方网址:http://www.hapag-lloyd.com/ 货物跟踪网址:https://www.hapag-lloyd.com/en/online-business/tracing/tracing-by-container.html 赫伯罗特(HPL)船公司介绍: 赫伯罗特货柜航运(HPL)公司诞生于1970年9月1日,其哈帕格的总部设在汉堡,北德意志劳埃德( NDL )的总部则设在不来梅。在经济一体化的时候,这两...