Gaon的数字来源是:出货量-返货量=实际销售量金唱片以和首尔歌谣大赏都是参考的Gaon Chart的数据 strawberry饅頭 说我爱你 8 关于Hanteo Chart(就是大家俗称的大H)Hanteo Chart是一个专辑实时销量显示更新的网站。它统计韩国大部分的网店、实体店的专辑销量,统计出来的数字占全部销量的比重比较大。Hanteo是做分张统...
经常会看到Gaon chart榜和Hanteo chart榜(大H榜),今天偶尔看到了就整理了一下,也当自己科普存档了。。。简单说,Gaon是出货量榜单,大H榜是实时销售榜,跟打歌有紧密关系。而且yesasia的销量也计入大H榜的,y...
日前才刚在日本 Oricon 拿下三冠王头衔,SEVENTEEN 在国内的成绩当然也不容小觑啦! 根据Gaon Chart 昨天(10 日)公布的 9 月份榜单显示,SEVENTEEN 的第三张正规专辑〈An Ode〉在单月专辑榜及零售店专辑榜上双双夺冠;在 Hanteo Chart、Synnara 的 9 月专辑销量榜上,他们也同样夺得冠军。 SEVENTEEN〈An Ode〉创纪...
我说了亚马逊含有Hanteo&Gaon chart family store的链接都是计入的,海外站子的脑子还停留在去年的行情,今年整个kpop购买专辑都变了。昨天喊着不要购买的站子,今天负责任的已经在发布可以购买的亚马逊链接了。 不要总截图xx站子,某某英推来我这评论和私信我啦我说了计入就是计入,亚马逊如果敢瞎认证family store会面...
Gaon Chart Music Awards 2022: Air date, how to vote and nominees for K-pop award show Seoul Music Awards 2022: Airdate, how to vote and nominees of the K-pop event Dates HanteoMusic Awards 2021 will be spread out and take place over a span of three weeks. ...
Gaon charts are usually used for awardings by the end of the year. ALSO READ:LE SSERAFIM Achieves THIS Milestone on Hanteo Chart Meanwhile, Hanteo calculates actual sales in real time basis. It's system records data only for confirmed and purchased items. It is utilized in music show calcul...
BLACKPINK Lisa's "LALISA" was revealed to have sold the most copies on the Gaon Retail Album Chart and Hanteo Chart within the second week of September! #BLACKPINK #BLACKPINKLisa #BLACKPINKLisaLALISA #LALISA #LALISAGaonChart #LALISAHanteoChart ...
Girls’ Generation’s “I Got A Boy” album came in first on Gaon’s monthly album chart for January 2013. According to the chart, “I Got A Boy” sold 265,322 copies in its first month since release. The girls placed ahead of Kim Jaejoong and CNBLUE, who were the second and thir...
此前Gaon Chart发布了累积超过一百万张专辑销量获得百万认证的专辑名单,SEVENTEEN最近在韩国时间6月10日凭借《An Ode》赢得了第三个“百万销量”头衔。 SEVENTEEN的第八张迷你专辑于6月18日刚刚发布,专辑共收录6首歌曲,如《Heaven's Cloud》、主打歌《Ready to love》、《Anyone》、《GAM3 BO1》、《Wave》和《...
Yes娱乐6月16日讯SUPER JUNIOR-K.R.Y.的首张迷你专辑《我们的青涩季节 (When We Were Us)》荣登专辑周榜冠军宝座。 于8日发行的SUPER JUNIOR-K.R.Y.迷你1辑《我们的青涩季节 (When We Were Us)》摘得HanteoChart6月第二周(6月8日~6月14日)专辑周榜桂冠,荣登Gaon Chart 24周“Retail Album Chart”...