9 I will be surety for him; of my hand shalt thou require him: if I bring him not unto thee, and set him before thee, then let me bear the blame for ever: 10 For except we had lingered, surely now we had returned this second time. 11 And their father Israel said unto them, ...
Not the world, that is—but we grow into players in the game of Life, rub our heavy eyelids, and take to ever-trippy existence from a heightened perspective in which our formative fears and fantasies are filtered through a scope less blurry, unadulterated. And then in doing so we leave ...
KPF的设计包括新建筑和对现有空间的重新规划,借此在一块曾经荒废的场地上建造充满活力的多功能项目。 20世纪上半叶见证了阿姆斯特丹南区的飞速发展。在H. P. Berlage的总体规划下,该区街道和广场的秩序井井有条。针对上述发展和该区办公空间持续增长的要求,在现有结构的毗邻位置修建了世贸中心延伸项目,即在一座105米...
分類: woordvoerder 訂閱woordvoerder嘅發音 15個詞彙被標籤為「woordvoerder」. 排序方式: 按日期 按熱門程度 按字母順序
4. O Gott, wo ist ein Gott wie du (Chorus) Rheinische Kantorei、 Das Kleine Konzert、 朱利安 · 普雷加迪恩、 赫尔曼 · 马克思 试听 7:09 15 Meine Seele erhebet den Herren: No. 1. Meine Seele erhebet den Herren (Chorus) Rheinische Kantorei、 Das Kleine Konzert、 Martin Schmitz、 赫尔曼...
warned that this might merely be a product of the welfare goods being sent from the United States to help the German saints.56 Whatever the reason, the Sunday school classes, opening during that time in areas where no church services had ever been held before the war, had more non-members...
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1DV1zqKuevERoHpDdtiJJMshyhcj9YyfeG 0.00257928BTC 1KAeZd6SWsz96NvF37Ym6ADmfJdLJPhvDE 0.00257928BTC 1BftRmHhSjFxjFFQvqGzjNkqo8SmebJLpY 0.00257928BTC 1J5PhkqZ98Sm9Hp4VZvQ3gkoJf8X2nWttB 0.00257928BTC 1CEfmsy26hBbGXQaaLCgYDszXLJU2wY3u9 0.00257928BTC 1Aj8YNFtb8o5EgzGMpHZ66Lfq2kuJzBPrv 0....
Moderatn quality (+++O): Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and may change the estimate. Low quality (++OO): Further research is very likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimate of effect and is li...
RM 60 73 49 55 67 23 324 14512 Connor van den Berg GK 60 60 60 56 59 24 59 14512 Daouda Weidmann CM 60 74 51 58 64 50 49 15131 Kas de Wit CAM 59 69 471 571 64 40 46 15131 Kevin Gadellaa GK 59 60 58 54 61 28 55 15131 Rijk Janse GK 59 60 55 56 58 26 58 ...