Aside from including information from the novels, this wiki also covers all five Hannibal Lecter film adaptations, many of which famously featured Anthony Hopkins in the role; Harris' books outside of the franchise (Black Sunday and Cari Mora); the television series Hannibal, starring Mads Mikkels...
Aside from including information from the novels, this wiki also covers all five Hannibal Lecterfilm adaptations, many of which famously featuredAnthony Hopkinsin the role; Harris' books outside of the franchise (Black SundayandCari Mora); the television seriesHannibal, starringMads MikkelsenasLectera...
Mischa Lecter was the youngest daughter of Count Lecter and Simonetta Sforza-Lecter, as well as the younger sister of Hannibal. Mischa was an innocent little girl, who was adored by her parents and protected by her brother. In 1944, she and her brother were captured by a group led by Vla...
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