The first of the Hannibal Lecter movies was Manhunter in 1986. Though the film included the “Hannibal the Cannibal” character, he was not played by the man ...
This TV series revolves around the partnership of an FBI criminal profiler (Hugh Dancy) and Doctor Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen), a famed forensic psychiatrist (who’s secretly a cannibalistic serial killer). The cast also includes Laurence Fishburne, Caroline Dhavernas, Aaron Abrams, Hettienne P...
These books have since been adapted into several Hannibal Lecter movies and an NBC television series, with four different actors having portrayed the aristocratic Lithuanian serial killer, each with their own unique spin. But who did it best? No one person cast as the clever cannibal was ever ...
Created for TV by Bryan Fuller, Hannibal is a TV adaptation/reimagining of Thomas Harris' Red Dragon novel. The show follows the exploits of FBI criminal profiler Will Graham (Hugh Dancy) and psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Mads Mikkelsen) and their pe
(plot correlations to the real “Monster of Florence” even more deliberate in the book) in between attending high art performances. “Hannibal” is about how much everyone wants a piece of Lecter—Starling and Agent Paul Krendler (Ray Liotta), Chief Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi (Giancarlo Giannini...
For me, it really did start not just withHannibal, butRed Dragon[the first appearance of both Lecter and Will Graham]. And Thomas Harris’ writing style is so purple and effusive, and the way he strings together words is very seductive for me. So really, my goal for the show was to ...
Hannibal Lecter had become my first real crush. And there was no going back. Growing up, my horror fixation was hardly a problem. All kids have weird interests. (For example, my sister had a big thing for community theater.) But, at sixteen-years-old, I allowed my childish fascination...
WILL GRAHAM: Hello, Dr. Lecter. HANNIBAL: Hello, Will. Did you get my note? WILL GRAHAM: I got it. Thank you. HANNIBAL: Did you read it before you destroyed it? Or did you simply toss it into the nearest fire? WILL GRAHAM: I read it. And then I burned it. ...
Betrayalwastheonlythingthatfeltrealtome. 背叛是对我而言唯一真实的感受 Itrusdyou. 我信仸过你 Letmehelpyou. 让我帮助你 Ineedyourhelp. 我需要你的帮助 WeinvestigatedyourclaimsaboutDr.Lecter. 我们就你提出的指控调查了莱克特医生 Wefoundnothing.