I'mdevotingalotoftimetothismural,Will. 我已经在研究壁画上花了很多时间威尔 Icoulduseyourhelp. 我需要你的帮助 Whatwasthecauseofdeathinthebailiff'smurder?Abullet. 法警案中受害人的死因是什么心脏中弹 AndinWillGraham'svictims?Mutilation. 而威尔·格雷厄姆的受害者们呢肢解 ...
No. 这事我有话语权吗 没有 I'm devoting a lot of time to this mural, Will. 我已经在研究壁画上花了很多时间 威尔 I could use your help. 我需要你的帮助 What was the cause of death in the bailiff's murder? A bullet. 法警案中受害人的死因是什么 心脏中弹 And in Will Graham's ...
"I think the murders of these women are very private to him. I believe there was some sort of sexual attraction for him as well, that he doesn't like to talk about," Grusing said. "I believe that's why he's able to take responsibility for Uncle Terry's death, 'cause it was pu...
But after the death of her father, her brother murdered her husband and she took flight. Where this royal widow/daughter landed, she founded Carthage. In the Bible, the Phoenicians are almost without exception in some way related to widows or "daughters". The temple was built by Hiram of ...
We go back to the other side of the mountains. Either we stay and we fight. We do not have enough men. No battle is won, just by the number of men. What counts is, the desire to survive. To prove it to my men, I posed a challenge to the prisoners. A fight to the death. ...
-"What kind of victim forgives the killer at the moment of death. " -"A mother. " 📍说到母亲的时候,Will垂下了眼睛。 关于母亲,母爱,这是他心中缺失的一部分,是会让他感到悲伤而不愿意面对的东西。而对所有可能会伤害到自己的事情,Will都会选择回避。
You wrote the standard monograph on time of death by insect activity. => 你在昆虫活动的死亡时间写了标准专着。 I found antler velvet in two of the wounds. => 我在两个伤口找到了鹿茸天鹅绒。 You, uh, not real FBI? I'm a special investigator. => 你,呃,不是真正的FBI?我是一个特别的...
time of death by insect activity.I found antler velvetin two of the wounds.You, uh, not real FBI?I'm a special investigator.Never been an FBI agent?Um... strict- screening procedures.- Detects instability...You unstable?Now, you know you're notsupposed to be in here.I found antler ...
他的鹿角室里时你有什么感觉 Guilty. 愧疚 Becauseyoucouldn'tsaveher. 因为你无法救她吗 BecauseIfeltlikeIkilledher... 因为我感觉是我杀了她 Igotsoclosetohim. 我离抓到他那么近了 Sometimes... 有时 Ifeltlikeweweredoing 我感觉我们在一天的 thesamethingsatdifferenttimesofday 很多时间点干着相同的事...
- You're not supposed to be in here. 157. You wrote the standard monograph on time of death 158. by insect activity. 159. I found antler velvet in two of the wounds. 160. You, uh, not real FBI? 161. I'm a special investigator. 162. Never been an FBI agent? 163. Um... ...