Aside from its Hebrew variation, Hannah also has other spelling versions as an Asian or Arabic girl name. Does Hannah Mean Beautiful? Not exactly. This popular name can mean “grace” or “graceful one,” but it doesn’t translate to “beautiful.” Hannah English Name Meaning “Grace” or...
a female given name: from a Hebrew word meaning "grace.'' Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: Hannah/ˈhænə/n the woman who gave birth to Samuel (I Samuel 1–2) 'Hannah' also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations): ...
Names Interact Tools Sign In Register HannahNamePopularityRelated NamesRatingsCommentsNamesakesName DaysCommentsAdd a Comment Meaning Usage Pronunciation Famous Impression Other Also French, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, Polish, Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic, Pashto and Bengali....
It sometimes as listed as meaning "grace." This means "grace" in the sense of "God's grace," not as in "graceful" (like a swan). Hannah is another form of Chana. Pet forms: Annie, Nan, Nanny, Nancy Related Names: Annette, Anita, Annalise, Marianne, etc.Arabic† Hana, Minnah...
As one might expect based on how similar it is to the word "royal," Royetta is aname of Latin origin meaning "little sovereign."In terms of popularity, thename peaked a decade earlier in 1953, when a dozen children were given the name, but was still the choice of a handful of paren...