更何况我们的最终目标是通过数据来识别背后的动力学方程,这种假设太过奢侈了(变成了一个鸡生蛋还是蛋生鸡的问题)。 所以,这里我们介绍一个很常用的trick:使用延时嵌入法(time-delay embedding)来构造Hankel矩阵,来“近似”地线性化dynamics。 理论 使用延迟嵌入法(time delay embedding)来构造Hankel矩阵,这种方法对于存...
To improve the ability of the dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) algorithm to capture modes from ambient data, a Hankel matrix is introduced to rearrange the measured data. With the extension function of the Hankel block, the mode frequency and damping ratio can be estimated by using only a ...
(ii) the Hankel DMD for large-scale data consisting of over a billion grid points is feasible by using the proposed exact parallel algorithm with high parallel efficiency on more than 6 thousand CPU cores, and (iii) the Hankel DMD has advantages for high-dimensional data such as n 10 9 ...
It is derived from Hankel DMD with control (HDMDc) to deal with highly nonlinear dynamics using augmented linear models, exploiting input and output regressors. The proposed multi-step-ahead HDMDc (MSA-HDMDc) is designed to perform multi-step prediction and capture complex dynamics with a ...