杭白芷为菊伞形科植物杭白芷Angelica dahurica(Fisch.ex Hoffm.)Benth.et Hook.f.var.formosana(Boiss.)Shan et Yuan的干燥根,属于当归属白芷的变种。主产于浙江省杭州市、宁波市、金华市等周边地区。药材性状:根圆锥形,长10-20cm,直径2-2.5cm。止部近方形或类方形,表面灰棕色,有多数皮孔样横向突起,长0.5-1cm...
HangbaizhiAngelica dahuricaBitter compoundsHPLCTDARemove the bitteringAs a traditional Chinese medicine, Angelica dahurica (Fisch. ex Hoffm.) Benth. et Hook. f. ex Franch. et Sav. cv. Hangbaizhi (Hangbaizhi) is not only used for the curative treatment of diseases such as the common cold and...
杭白芷 中文杭白芷 英文【医】 radix angelicae dahuricae
Hangbaizhi[J] . Wei Wei,Xiu-Wen Wu,Gai-Gai Deng,Xiu-Wei Yang.Phytochemistry . 2016Wei, W., Wu, X.W., Deng, G.G., Yang, X.W.: Anti-inflammatory coumarins with short- and long-chain hydrophobic groups from roots of Angelica dahurica cv. Hangbaizhi. Phytochem 123, 58-68 (2016)...
Sensory-guided identification of bitter compounds in Hangbaizhi (Angelica Dahurica)doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2019.108880M. YuTing LiA. RazaLijin WangHuanlu SongYu ZhangLin LiYongbing HuaFood Res IntFood research international