TPR英语短句(30) Water the plant. 给植物浇水。 Hang up the laundry. 晾衣服。 Fold the laundry. 叠衣服。 Surf the net. 上网。 Feed the dog. 喂狗狗。 Take a taxi. 打的。 Wait for the bus. 等公交车。 Paint the picture. 画画。 Phone people.打电话。 Have/Take a break.休息一下。 每...
He later gives up playing video games with Rigby in order to hang out with the blondes. 后来,他放弃了玩视频游戏里格比在 挂 出的金发。 [...] of the contingent, the troop- or policecontributing country will receive the laundry self-sustainment ra...
351 次阅读 H-hang-laundry-out-the
hang on:电话场景表保持通话(Hang on, I'll check the schedule),也可引申为坚持(Hang on through the difficulties) hang out:物理层面指晾晒衣物(hang out the laundry),社交层面表聚会(Let's hang out downtown) hang up:通讯行为表挂断(She hung up abruptly),项目处理表...
“悬挂”在英语中常用短语“hang out”或“hang up”来表示,但具体使用需根据语境来确定。以下是对这两个短语以及“hang”其他相关用法的详细解释: 一、悬挂的基本表达 hang out:在某些语境下,特别是在指将某物(如衣物、旗帜等)挂出或展出时,可以使用“hang out”。例如,“She h...
aThis is so perfect. Because feelings are energy. And feelings come from thoughts; you can’t have a feeling without a thought. So you were feeling guilty and worried when you go to the feeling gas station and you fill up on guilt and worry, what do you do? 这是很完善的。 由于感觉...
Q:hangup,hangback,hangabout,hangaround是什麼意思 A:alsohangback can be used when you do something very slowly because you're scared or have no confidence 查看更多回答 Q:Hang out the wash /hangout the laundry是什麼意思 A:It means tohanglaundry/clothes/(the was) on a ‘clothes line’ ...
hang-up 用作名词的意思:[反主流派文化用语](尤指精神和思想上的)心理障碍,焦虑,困难,问题,疙瘩 用法及例句: I don’t have any hang-ups at all. Well,almost none.我心里根本没什么疙瘩。真的,几乎一点没有。 The only hang-up we can see right now is that business of paying the doctors.现在明...
一般现在时:I hang my clothes on the line to dry. (我把衣服晾在绳子上晾干。) 一般过去时:They hung the picture on the wall. (他们把画挂在墙上。) 现在进行时:She is hanging the laundry out to dry. (她正在把衣服晾出去晾干。) 过去进行时:We were hanging out at the park when it starte...
将“hang up"翻译成世界文 pendigi, fini alvokon, fini sesion是“hang up"到 世界文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Tom opened the closet to hang up his coat. ↔ Tomo malfermis la vestoŝrankon por pendigi sian mantelon. hang up verb 语法 (transitive) To put up to hang [..] + 添加...