如你使用新浏览器登入 步骤1 / 6 前往桌面版个人e-Banking登入页面,输入用户名称后点击"继续"。 如果你"信任此浏览器"后用同一浏览器再登入 步骤1 / 3 前往桌面版个人e-Banking登入页面,输入用户名称后点击"继续"。 常见问题 注脚 备注 我们将于服务更新生效前通知网上银行用户,让用户提早知悉详情。
When I tried to log on to Personal e-Banking (Desktop version) with new log-on method by entering one-time security code generated from Hang Seng Mobile App, but it didn't work, what should I do? Q What should I do if I still have questions about the new log-on method?
無論任何時候,閣下均須將密碼及個人確認訊息保密,並採取措施防止未經授權而使用閣下之密碼及個人確認訊息。 閣下同意遵守本行在網上提供的指引及任何保安建議或程序。否則將屬違反本章則,並被視為閣下之疏忽。 5.登記 閣下可透過登入www.hangseng.com/e-Banking進行登記,並按照本行之網上登記程序辦理。
CN46-R3(YX) 1 -2 03/1 3 E 恒生商业 e-Banking 服务– 密码重设及保安编码器更换表格 Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services – Password Reset and Security Device Replacement Application Form 致 : 恒生银行(中国) 有限公司 (以下简称“银行” ) To : Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited (the “Bank...
System Message Please note that your transaction/instruction request is pending to be processed. To check your transaction status, please proceed to Transaction History or Activity History. If you require assistance or have further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852)...
Hang Seng Personal Banking Quizás te interese SC Mobile Hong Kong Finanzas PayMe by HSBC Finanzas HSBC HK Mobile Banking Finanzas BOCHK 中銀香港 Finanzas BEA Mobile 東亞手機銀行 Finanzas Octopus 八達通 Finanzas AlipayHK (支付寶香港) Finanzas BoC Pay Finanzas 拍住賞 by HKT Finanzas Mo...
Hang Seng Bank offers a wide array of financial services including online banking, savings, investment, credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance, and MPF.
CNEB7-R10(YX) 1-6 09/13 E 恒生商业 e-Banking 服务申请表格 Hang Seng Business e-Banking Services Application Form 致: 恒生银行(中国)有限公司(以下简称“银行”) 分/支行 日期: To: Hang Seng Bank (China) Limited (“the Bank”) branch/sub-branch Date 客户号码 Customer Number: 请用正楷...
Hang Seng Business e-Banking New Security Device – Frequently Asked Questions 1 We are delighted to introduce a n..
sengbankinghang恒生表格申请 CNEB7-R10(YX)1-609/13E恒生商业e-Banking服务申请表格HangSengBusinesse-BankingServicesApplicationForm致:恒生银行(中国)有限公司(以下简称“银行”)分/支行日期:To:HangSengBank(China)Limited(“theBank”)branch/sub-branchDate客户号码CustomerNumber:请用正楷填写本表格,幷在适当方格...