Find out how much you could borrow, how much it will cost and what you could save with a Deposit-linked Mortgage. Calculate now Unsecured Overdraft Facility calculator No cash advance fee required. You can withdraw cash by cheque, account transfer or via ATM. Calculate now Need more ...
Hang Seng Business e-Banking or Credit Card Customer Service Hotline. If cardholders activate or set up the above limit through Hang Seng Business e-Banking, the cardholder must be the primary user of Hang Seng Business e-Banking or an authorized user of the respective Commercial ...
Hang Seng takes care of the mortgage needs of Government housing owners, including Home Ownership Scheme flats with unpaid premium in both first and second market.
This refers to the Hong Kong Interbank Offered Rate for the interest period of one month for Hong Kong Dollars quoted by Hang Seng Bank Limited at or about 11:00a.m. (Hong Kong time) on such date. This HIBOR quoted by Hang Seng Bank Limited is not necessarily the same as HKD Interest...
Mortgage-Link Loan Scheme 灵活多元化的新购物业按揭计划以满足你不同的理财需要 最高按揭成数为物业买入价/估值之7成# (以较低者为准)。 还款期长达30年。 提供私人住宅(包括楼花、一手及二手楼 )、村屋、唐楼、工商物业 (包括工厦) 、车位等多种类型物业按揭。 香港银行同业拆息贷款计划 以香港银行同业拆...
A Career with Hang Seng Bank Hang Seng is committed to service excellence. Our people are our most important asset and play a vital role in our efforts to continually enhance our performance for customers and provide best-in-class products and services.We seek to attract high-calibre talen...
樓宇按揭貸款服務,讓你輕鬆達成置業夢。我們提供靈活的貸款計劃,照顧你的理財需要。 貸款額高達買入價或物業估值價之70%,以較低者為準 特優按揭利率 供款期最長可達30年 可選擇澳門幣或港元 多種按揭計劃包括新造按揭、物業轉按或加按 靈活供款方式 恒生銀行香港客戶可享海外還款服務安排 彈性提前還款條件 優惠...
A Career with Hang Seng Bank Hang Seng is committed to service excellence. Our people are our most important asset and play a vital role in our efforts to continually enhance our performance for customers and provide best-in-class products and services. We seek to attract high-cal...
7:37aI’m a mother, 48, of three girls. I earn $200,000 and have a $576,000 mortgage. Should I take out a $60,000 home-equity loan and upgrade my BMW X3? 7:35aThese tips for investing in mutual funds and ETFs give you a rich plate of options ...
Customers can also call the Hang Seng Mortgage Loan Application Hotline on 2710-2288 or bring along the relevant documents (including property information and income proof) to any Hang Seng Bank branch for application. Founded in 1933, Hang Seng Bank is a principal member of the HSBC Group. ...