如阁下成功登记恒生商业 e-Banking,基本户口将自动预设为收取电子版本综合户口结单。如需收取邮寄版本结单,请登入恒生商业e-Banking,于选单列依次选择「e-服务」>「设定e-Statement」,更改阁下的结单设定。e-Statement自发出日期起于商业e-Banking帐户内将会保留36个月。详情: 请浏览恒生商业银行网页。 收款方案 手...
Enrol Hang Seng personal ebanking to enjoy one-stop online banking services, enabling you to manage your finances via internet no matter when or where
Hang Seng Bank offers a wide array of financial services including online banking, savings, investment, credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance, and MPF.
Hang Seng Bank offers a wide array of financial services including online banking, savings, investment, credit cards, loans, mortgages, insurance, and MPF.
27726UB-HSI @EP2503E0.049+0.007 (+16.67%) 28022JP-HSI @EC2504E0.026-0.011 (-29.73%) 27899JP-HSI @EC2504C0.049-0.018 (-26.87%) 27851UB-HSI @EC2504A0.049-0.019 (-27.94%) 28581SG-HSI @EC2504F0.054-0.019 (-26.03%) Top 5 Gainers ...
閣下可透過登入www.hangseng.com/e-Banking進行登記,並按照本行之網上登記程序辦理。 閣下登記使用本服務後,即授權本行使用及保留若干有關閣下及閣下所持有之卡之資料。 閣下登記使用本服務須待本行批准後作實。 如閣下未有登記使用本服務,可能導致閣下未能在網上或其他須經本服務認證之交易中使用所持有之卡。
System Message Please note that your transaction/instruction request is pending to be processed. To check your transaction status, please proceed to Transaction History or Activity History. If you require assistance or have further enquiries, please contact our Customer Service Hotline at (852)...
由2024年10月1日至2024年12月31日3頁底備註[3],由恒生銀行(香港)匯出匯款至恒生銀行(中國)賬戶,更可獲手續費豁免優惠。此外,透過恒生商業e-Banking或恒生HSBCnet辦理匯出匯款至中國,可豁免匯款指示包含中文字的額外費用。 *詳情請參閱下表 情況 匯出匯款至 ...
In the Hang Seng Personal Banking mobile app, select "Mobile Account Opening" ; Verify your identity with your HKID; Take a selfies; Fill in any required personal details; You will have access to your Personal e-Banking service immediately. If you are already holding a Hang Seng bank accoun...