恒生銀行與獎賞計劃合作推出enJoy卡,獎賞加倍精彩!全年於指定商戶消費,賺取積分更快更易,獎賞選擇更豐富;配合功能全面的APP,綁卡、賺積分及換獎賞都一APP辦妥,給你快捷方便的體驗。 迎新優惠 4X積分獎賞 全年折扣優惠 立即綁卡 賺取積分 迎新獎賞 於2024年7月1日至12月31日或之前,成功申請enJoy卡可獲享以下迎新獎...
恒生银行与奖赏计划合作推出enJoy卡,奖赏加倍精彩!全年于指定商户消费,赚取积分更快更易,奖赏选择更丰富;配合功能全面的APP,登记、赚积分及换奖赏都一APP办妥,给你快捷方便的体验。 迎新奖赏 4X积分奖赏 全年折扣优惠 立即绑卡 赚取积分 迎新奖赏 于2022年6月30日或之前,成功申请并绑定enJoy卡至奖赏计划可享高达 80...
恒生enJoy卡[系列] 卡币种卡组织卡等级年费 港币VISA普卡 免年费政策 立即申请 卡币种卡组织卡等级年费 港币VISA白金卡 免年费政策 立即申请 卡片介绍 详细参数 费用详情 还款方式 特色增值 申请挂失 卡面样式 卡片特色 卡片特色: 机场贵宾体验: 增值保险: ...
Hang Seng HSUHK Credit Card offers perpetual annual fee waiver to HSU students, graduates and full-time staff, allowing the HSUHK credit card holders to enjoy exclusive benefits and services at the campus
恒生enJoy卡[系列] 卡币种卡组织卡等级年费 港币VISA普卡 免年费政策 立即申请 卡币种卡组织卡等级年费 港币VISA白金卡 免年费政策 立即申请 积分方式: 簽賬或透支現金每滿HKD250 无积分 积分有效期: 关键信息 免息期: 26天 56天 最低还款: 3% 免年费政策: ...
Open or upgrade a Hang Seng bank account online with your mobile and even enjoy the below balance fee waiver for Preferred Banking account with an array of welcome rewards. Check out the online account opening or upgrade eligibility, required minimum bal
Hang Seng Bank Limited ("Hang Seng Bank") is registered as an insurance agency by the Insurance Authority (License No.: FA3168) and authorised by Chubb for distribution of this Plan. This Plan is a product of Chubb and not Hang Seng Bank. Upon application to this Plan, insurance premium...
1pag 21 February 2023 HANG SENG BANK LIMITED 2022 ANNUAL RESULTS - HIGHLIGHTS Net interest income up 22% to HK$28,981m (2021: HK$23,822m) with net interest margin widening by 28 basis points to 1.77% (2021: 1.49%). Net interest income was HK$16,625m f...
SHKP malls and Hang Seng credit card are jointly offering a limited-time instant discount to shoppers as a launch perk. From now until 31 August, customers can enjoy an instant discount of up to HK$660 on purchases of the SHKP Malls Gift Card with an eligible Hang Sen...
3 August 2020 HANG SENG BANK LIMITED 2020 INTERIM RESULTS - HIGHLIGHTS Net operating income before change in expected credit losses and other credit impairment charges down by 14% to HK$19,187m (HK$22,409m for the first half of 2019). Operating profit ...