Expansion anchors are the kind of anchor most of us use to hang curtain rods, towel bars or heavy pictures in drywall. The most common expansion anchors are simple plastic or metal cylinders, ridged inside and out. Perforations down the side of the anchor open as a screw is put in, expan...
"Studs are the framing that hold the wall up. They're installed first, then plaster or drywall is applied on top." Jeff HuynhProfessional Handyman 3 Pre-drill a hole at the spot where you want to hang the object. Use the same procedure as you would for hanging light objects. However...
Install Ceiling Drywall How toFix Holes in a Ceiling How toFix Ceiling Cracks How toTexture a Ceiling How to Cut and Fit Coving Molding How toSoundproof a Wall or Ceiling How toHang Heavy Objects from the Ceiling How toHang Lights from a Ceiling How toRaise a Ceiling How toPopcorn Your ...