最受欢迎的HandySeamless Transitions的原始包装Seamless Transitions by Videolancer,Seamless Transitions 可用于电影制片人,摄像师,电视广播员和博客作者,同时也非常适合现在非常火的抖音短视频上的抖音热门转场等,并节省了数百万小时的视频制作时间。 仅仅通过简单的拖放就能实现视频过度效果,非常易于使用,只需选择合适的...
可以使用动态链接在Premiere Pro中使用预设。 预览 额外的毛刺过渡 它是如何工作的 Handy Seamless Transitions经过精心设计,因此非常易于使用,适用于所有技能水平 - 只需在两个场景的交界处放置一个过渡层,一切就绪即可。 安装方法 1.首先打开01文件夹,安装MotionBro 2.0.1.zxp(在Anastasiy’s Extension Manager有对应...
这样就安装好了4个转场包。 5. 当然这边也提供了官网提供的免费扩展包。再次点击“《AE脚本:Handy Seamless Transitions V5.1_1500+超级无敌无缝转场包(Motion Bro)》”,然后在弹出的窗口选择“Free_Presets_for_Motion_Bro”,选择“Motion Bro Free Pack.list”,点击打开。
Handy Seamless Transitions– is a set of video-transitions which can help to make your video visually interesting and amazing! Slideshow, trailer, promo, music clip, broadcast, movie, documentary film or presentation – any your project will be far more fascinating, dynamic, and professional!
Handy Seamless Transitions have been carefully crafted so that they are super-easy to use for all skill levels – simply place a transition-layer at the junction of the two scenes and everything is ready to roll. All transitions work without the need to do Pre-compose or Media Placeholders....