(2012). A lon- gitudinal study of handwriting skills in pre-schoolers: The acquisition of syllable oriented programming strategies. Reading and Writing, 25, 151-162.Soler, O., & Kandel, S. (2012). A longitudinal study of handwriting skills in pre- schoolers: The acquisition of syllable ...
For example, I might have a child draw some mountains and draw a line in the middle to make uppercase A's. We could work on drawing circles and faces for the letter O. Ice-cream cones could give us a capital V, etc. I want it to be fun! :-) See Wesley's full profile 5.0 ...
PawPaw materialized middle of the night, catching us unawares in whatever city my father happened to be playing — Houston, Tacoma, Phoenix during Spring Training — smelling of salt and wind and smelt and grease despite the industrial soap vigorously applied in deference to his return to civiliza...