io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketHandshakeException: Invalid handshake response getStatus: 404 Not Found at io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx.WebSocketClientHandshaker13.verify( Suppressed: reactor.core.publisher.FluxOnAssembly$OnAssemblyException: Error...
针对你遇到的“gateway invalid handshake response getstatus: 404”问题,以下是一些可能的原因和解决方案,帮助你进行故障排查: 1. 问题背景确认 首先,需要明确你遇到这个问题是在哪种服务或应用中。例如,是在使用Spring Cloud Gateway、Nginx作为网关,还是其他某种网关服务?这有助于更精确地定位问题。 2. 分析错误代...
client-id=7b7a0af4-be30-41d3-9842-2f748e32d7f8 Request Method:GET Status Code:404 Not Found Response Headers Content-Length:15 Content-Type:text/html; charset=utf-8 Date:Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:17:39 GMT Server:http-kit X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN X-Xss-...
Traefik dashboard returns 404 page not found + TLS handshake error: remote error: tls: bad certificate (traefik + bind9 + CloudFlare + Let's Encrypt) I configured Traefik in docker using the guide:Put Wildcard Certificates and SSL on EVERYTHING - Traefik Tutorial But when ...
Once a flag is submitted, it will remain in a pending status while our Trust and Safety team reviews. Employers found to be in violation of our terms of service may have their company fully suspended, or individual users and/or jobs may be suspended. Our team will notify the user that ...
Hello, unable to connect to Azure Cosmos DB with Gremlin Console or Java Client 3.4.4: Invalid handshake response getStatus: 404 Not Found.Read more > Unable to connect to graph with gremlin (works through azure ... WebSocketHandshakeException : Invalid handsh...
You may also see aSecure TLS Support in cURLwarning atConfiguration > System Health(Help > System Health Statusprior to WHMCS 8.0): Cause Your server is attempting a secure connection using the outdated SSL protocol. This is no longer secure: most providers now requir...
In the request creation wizard, I had to explicitely unmark "Microsoft Strong Cryptographic Provider" (on the Private Key tab under the Cryptographic Service Provider). If this is not marked, our CA willproduce the certificate, that can be used also from Windows XP....
"The home folder could not be created because the network name cannot be found" error in AD users and computers "The program cannot open the required dialog box because it cannot determine whether the computer named ... is joined to a domain". "The server does not support the requested cr...