权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 handshake n. — see also golden handshake 1. 握手an act of shaking sb's hand with your own, used especially to say hello or goodbye or when you have made an agreement 例句 释义: 全部,握手,握手包,握式,握手信号 更多例句筛选 1. If who want to shake ha...
He has a stronghandshake. 他握手时很有力。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Few bosses want to create tension between employees with something as simple as ahandshake. 少数老板想要用简单如握手的方式在员工间制造紧张. 期刊摘选 If shaking hands , offer a firmhandshake. ...
9.I have a new secrethandshakefor us. 我给我俩设计了一个新的问候方式 10.Because to me, ahandshakedeal means everything. 因为对我来说 口头协议意味着一切 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词handshake的翻译英语含义,如有错漏请向我们提供反馈意见。
Seamlessly integrate with existing tools Easily connect Handshake with your existing automated tracking systems like Workday, Greenhouse, and more, consolidating processes to provide a streamlined and efficient candidate experience. Explore our integrations→ Helping industry leaders hire the future Why Handsh...
英['hæn(d).ʃeɪk] n.握手 网络握手包;握式;握手信号 复数:handshakes 同义词 n. handclasp,grasp,greeting,grip,shake 权威英汉双解 英汉 英英 网络释义 handshake. n. — see also golden handshake 1. 握手an act of shaking sb's hand with your own, used especially to say hello or go...
handshake 基本解释 n. 握手 handshake 词性变化 名词复数形式:handshakes 词组短语 1、fullhandshakeauthentication [计] 充分认证, 一致认证 2、goldenhandshake[经] 给去职经理人的补偿费, 退职金 3、handshakecontroller [计] 同步交换控制器 4、handshakeflag [计] 同步交换标记 ...
handshake的意思、解释 复数形式:handshakes; handshake 基本解释 名词握手 handshake 网络解释 1. handshake 1. 交握:本文重点在於如何将SSL运用於Java技术上,故在此不对SSL多做说明. ● 提供能够发展出安全通道(secure channels)的类别,如:SSLSocket 及 SSLServerSocket. ●伺服端与客户端的鉴别(authentication),如...
handshake是好用的文件传输助手,各种文件都能一键操作使用,全新又简约的界面设计,无需连接任何的网络,无需数据流量,随时都能任意分享操作使用,支持传送速率,安心的带大家享受档案的高速传送。 handshake亮点 1.全新简约的界面设计,更赋科技感,一目了然的操作方式; ...
With Handshake, Under Armour has ditched the ‘core school’ model to bring in top talent from everywhere. View case study Featured Coyote Logistics brings in more qualified sales talent with less resources Coyote's personalized outreach to candidates results in an uptick in quality applicants and ...