Hands-Free Profile(HFP)定义了免提设备如何控制电话相关操作。在这个协议中,涉及两个主要角色:音频网关(Audio Gateway, AG)和免提单元(Hands-Free unit, HF)。音频网关是音频的输入输出网关,通常指手机等具备通话功能的设备;而免提单元则是音频网关的远程音频输入输出机制,它不仅可以接收和发送...
An object that sends data to a connected Bluetooth hands-free phone or headset and processes commands from it.
1.1 Hands-Free profile Hands-Free Profile describes how an audio gateway device can be used to place and receive calls for a hand- free device. A common scenario would be a mobile phone used together with a wireless headset. The headset will connect to the mobile phone and can be used ...
optional func handsFree( _ device: IOBluetoothHandsFreeAudioGateway!, redial: NSNumber! ) Required Parameters device The audio gateway for the remote hands-free Bluetooth device. redial A number that indicates whether the device is attempting to redial. This value is ...
To create a Hands-free connection to a remote Audio Gateway (AG) device (such as a mobile phone), choose the Bluetooth® address of the remote AG device from the ClientControl BR/EDR combo box. Click the "Connect" button under Hands-free. ...
Windows Embedded CE supports HFP by providing the Audio Gateway Service that links Bluetooth devices by using the Winsock interface to the Bluetooth Protocol Stack. This service also interfaces with the TAPI to control a cellular phone.The hands-free device sends AT commands to the AG, in ...
Windows Embedded CE supports HFP by providing theAudio Gateway Servicethat links Bluetooth devices by using the Winsock interface to theBluetooth Protocol Stack. This service also interfaces with the TAPI to control a cellular phone. The hands-free device sends AT commands to the AG, in response ...
Microsoft® Windows® CE supports HFP by providing the Audio Gateway Service that links Bluetooth devices by using the Winsock interface to the Bluetooth Protocol Stack. This service also interfaces with the TAPI to control a cellular phone....
If you are sitting in your kitchen, you don't want your Mac upstairs to randomly steal the call audio from your cell phone any time you happen to move within Bluetooth range. In my testing, the iPhone is good about switching the audio between the handset (Audio Gateway or AG) and Speak...
Windows Embedded CE supports HFP by providing theAudio Gateway Servicethat links Bluetooth devices by using the Winsock interface to theBluetooth Protocol Stack. This service also interfaces with the TAPI to control a cellular phone. The hands-free device sends AT commands to the AG, in response ...