Hands-On System Programming With Linux _ Explore Linux System Programming Interfaces, Theory, And Practice_部分1 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: 文档格式:PDF | 页数:389 | 浏览次数:117 | 上传日期:2019-01-18 20:10:27 | 文档星级: 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 538 p. The Palgrave ...
Get up and running with system programming concepts in Linux Key Features Acquire insight on Linux system architecture and its programming interfaces Get to grips with core concepts such as … - Selection from Hands-On System Programming with Linux [Boo
Hands-On System Programming with Linux的书评 ···(全部 0 条) 读书笔记 ··· 我来写笔记 按有用程度 按页码先后 最新笔记 展开 第1页 第一章笔记和练习 weak_time 第一章主要介绍一些Linux的基础和基本命令行的使用,摘要如下: Linux的哲学 Everything is a process; if it's not a process, it'...
If you are a developer who has intermediate knowledge of C++ but little to no knowledge of UNIX and Linux system programming and want to learn system programming with C++, this book is for you. About the Author Dr. Rian Quin...
<waits forever: deadlock><waits forever: deadlock> It's quite clear that ... GetHands-On System Programming with Linuxnow with the O’Reillylearning platform. O’Reilly members experience books, live events, courses curated by job role, and more from O’Reilly andnearly 200 ...
weak_time2019-07-16 更新·共 8 本 关于计算机系统的书籍~ 13人关注 Packt Free cdpnerv2024-12-23 更新·共 1010 本 Packt 目前每日免费一本送电子书 https://www.packtpub.com/free-learning +创建书单 >去 Hands-On System Programming with Linux 的页面...
My book – Hands-On System Programming with Linux November 29, 2018Leave a comment Hello, pleased that my first book has been recently released (on 31 Oct 2018). The publisher isPackt(based in Birmingham, UK). Quick Links The book is available in various formats here: ...
This is the code repository forHands-On System Programming with C++, published by Packt. **Build performant and concurrent Unix and Linux systems with C++17 ** What is this book about? C++ is a general-purpose programming language with a bias toward system programming as it provides ready acc...
Familiarity with deep learning frameworks, such as PyTorch, will also be useful, although not essential, as the book will provide a comprehensive introduction to the mathematical concepts and their implementation. Software requiredOS required Python 3.8.15 Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux (Any) ...
published technical writing on open source computing and has actively participated in NVIDIA's GPU computing conferences since 2016. A big-time Linux fan, he strongly believes in the significance of Linux and an open source approach in scientific research. Deep learning with GPUs is his new ...