Hands-On Programming with R 作者:Garrett Grolemund 出版社:O'Reilly Media 副标题:Write Your Own Functions and Simulations 出版年:2014-8-12 页数:230 定价:USD 39.99 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9781449359010 豆瓣评分 8.1 33人评价 5星 39.4% 4星 39.4%...
DATAANALYSIS/STATISTICALSOFTWAREHands-OnProgrammingwithRISBN:978-1-449-35901-0US$39.99CAN$41.99“ Hands-On Programming with R is friendly, conversational, and active. It’s the next-best thing to learning R programming from me or Garrett in person. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I...
Comparatively few books, however, are focused on teaching R programming itself. So it was a pleasant surprise when a copy of Garrett Grolemund’s“Hands-On Programming with R: Write Your Own Functions and Simulations”(O’Reilly 2015) came my way. This is a superb book: well conceived, un...
We have great learning opportunities on both days, so please take advantage of the additional day of learning. If I could sum up this year's Annual Conference with one word it would be….."interactive." The session's team has worked hard to provide opportunities for you to truly ...