going to go numb/dead. She has had all kinds of tests MRI, MRA, Catscan, ecocardiogram, EEG and nothing shows up. She recently had an episode, fell and fractured her pelvis. She noticed that if she takes the Darvocet they gave her for pain, it relieves the tremors. My Mom has ha...
However, there are so many different things that can cause your hands to go numb. From overuse injuries to infections to chronic health conditions, here’s why your hands may feel that tingling feeling—or nothing at all. 1. Tennis Elbow If you’re a tennis player of golfer—or partake...
What's really happening when limbs fall asleep and you can't get that tingly sensation to go away.
You hurt me. I try I really do. I joined a gym, I haven’t had a alot of my favorite meals in a while. I’ve lost a couple of kgs, but you don’t seem to notice. I never make you do what I want. I beg to make myself heard but still I’m stubborn. Why? Bcos I don...
Milk, oil, and soap cooled it for a little while but didn’t make it go away… I’m going to try to sleep it off Reply Sonyasays: July 11, 2020 at 12:40 pm yup you guessed it–typing with burning hands. tried vinegar, hot water/soap/oil, rubbing alcohol, milk, clay mask, and...
It might provide convincing evidence for the fact that I had a serious mental or physical problem if I could no longer point to my hands, or show you my hands when asked, or use my hands to grasp things, or move my fingers, or write with my hands, or poorly use the word "hand" ...