However, there are so many different things that can cause your hands to go numb. From overuse injuries to infections to chronic health conditions, here’s why your hands may feel that tingling feeling—or nothing at all. 1. Tennis Elbow If you’re a tennis player of golfer—or partake...
Glass splinters/ hand going numb by: Anonymous So I've had the whole glass splinters in my hands sensation for months almost a year now of and on. Just like most posts here same feelings slight pain irritation and just realized after reading other posts that I to am experiencing numbness i...
What's really happening when limbs fall asleep and you can't get that tingly sensation to go away.
Dude, I got a great story for you that I’ll try to relay in this message. Friday night S and I went over to J and C’s. I was going to help C prepare for a catering gig he had on Saturday. So we get there and start boozing and hanging out. We eat dinner and then begin ...