Raynaud's disease– This is a condition where small arteries in your fingers and toes narrow and spasm, cutting off blood flow. This can cause the affected area to feel numb, cold or look white or blue.Raynaud's diseaseis usually caused by cold temperatures or stress and is generally harml...
Numb and tingling hands can be caused by vitamin deficiency, carpal tunnel, or other health conditions. Here's when to call your doctor about tingling fingers.
Numb feeling in the hands and feet may be a mild, temporary condition that can resolve on its own or may be relieved by home remedies. Numbness is a broad term to describe an unusual sensation in any part of the body, but most commonly involving the hands and feet, sometimes including t...
Carpal tunnel syndrome happens wheninflammationor a narrowing of your tunnel puts pressure on a nerve inside. Sometimes this happens because of hand and finger movements you do over and over. Problems often start gradually. You may feel numbness in your thumb and the two fingers next to it. I...
Have you heard about carpal tunnel syndrome? If you have experienced numbness in your fingers and hands as you fall asleep, you’re probably one of the 10 million Americans that have the syndrome. It’s important to take preventative measures because it can cause long-term damage. ...
Fingers (one, more or all in one or both hands) becomepale,numborcolddue to lack of blood flow, thenbluishdue to a lack of oxygen, thenred, withthrobbing painandtinglingas blood returns to the affected area. Attacks can occur daily, weekly or occasionally and can last from less than a...
Numb hands Pain in the hand, wrist, and fingers “Pins and needles” in the fingers and hands Numbness in your fingers, especially the thumb, index, and middle fingers Radiating pain in your shoulders, neck, and arm Swelling in the hand and fingers ...
My hands and fingers and the tips of my fingernails turn purple. Why? Remove Ads Marrilyn over a year ago You may have Raynaud's disease. It is a condition in which fingers (both on hands and toes) turn purple after exposure to changes in temperature. Abnormal spasm of the blood ...
The following conditions can cause numbness and tingling in fingers, hands, and arms: Carpal tunnel syndromeoccurs when your median nerve is squeezed at the wrist, causing fingers and forearms to tingle or become numb. Fluid retention and other bodily changes during pregnancy can compress the medi...
I have been getting pins & needles everyday for the last 4 weeks. It first started in just my fingers and feet but now has worsened and is in my legs and arms and hands. I also experience cramps and spasms in these areas and my finger tips inparticular often go numb. ...