There are many conditions, from mild to serious, that can cause your hands and feet to tingle. Long-term, chronic tingling may be caused bycompression of a nervedue to damage, tumors, herniated disks, or expanded blood vessels. Other times, it might be a disease or chronic condition that ...
治疗手脚出汗(Treatment of sweaty hands and feet).doc,治疗手脚出汗(Treatment of sweaty hands and feet) Hand sweat, sweat too much: 5 money, 2 pounds of alum water, with melted dipping hands and feet, one 10 minutes after dipping allowed to dry natural
If your hands or feet itch, treatment depends a lot on the cause of the problem. It may just be dry skin, which can be brought on by winter weather or too much scrubbing. But sometimes, itchy hands and feet can signal another health condition such as liver disease or damage to your n...
A few years ago, every winter my hands and feet before a pain, many times to hospital for treatment is not effective. One year back home, the mother said: buy a gallon of vinegar on the iron pot, five minutes after boiling, pour vinegar in the pot until the temperature after th...
3. athlete's foot is an infectious skin disease, should avoid scratching, to prevent their own infection and stimulate infection. Feet basin and foot towel should be used separately so as not to infect others. 4. drug treatment at the same time, the patient to wear shoes and socks must ...
Now if I could only verify the cause and find a treatment or way to prevent this, I'd really be happy. Reply Guest over a year ago I have figured out what caused my itch hands and feet. A couple of months ago I started drinking the lemonade pakets that you put in water. They...
Treatment OutcomeCombined Modality TherapyProspective StudiesRemission InductionPsoriasis of the hands and feet is a chronic disease which is often resistant to the usual topical therapies. It has considerable morbidity and seriously affects the quality of life of patients. We sought to prospectively ...
Cold hypersensitivity in the hands and feet (CHHF) is a symptom patients usually feel cold in their hands and feet, but not dealt with a disease in western medicine. However, it is often appealed by patients at a clinic of Korean medicine (KM), considered to be a sort of key diagnostic...
Medical treatments -In some cases, however, numbness may be a symptom of a more serious condition. Treating the underlying condition after proper diagnosis may or may not completely relieve the numbness in the hands and feet. In these conditions, one has to get treatment that may involve surgic...
hands, ankles and feet are prone to swelling, though other parts of the body can also get edema like the abdomen. Reducing the amount of salt intake as well as taking medication can reduce swelling. If the swelling is a result of a disease, you will need to treat the disease separately...