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Consult the course's handicap conversion chart to convert your handicap index to your handicap for that course. If a chart is not available, you can convert it using this formula: Multiply your handicap index by the slope rating of the course you played and then dividing by 113. Round the ...
HANDICAP INDEX:a number, to one decimal point, indicating the potential of the golfer and is the number that a golfer will use from club to club and country to country to obtain a Course Handicap. COURSE HANDICAP:a calculated whole number, using the golfer’s Handicap Index along with the ...
With the World Handicap System becoming ever more popular, you need a way to find out your playing handicap at different courses. Currently, to work out what your playing handicap would be at a particular course you rely on that course displaying the conversion chart publicly. However, this is...
A handicap index is translated into a course handicap by employing another USGA formula. To make it easy, clubs generally post a chart – based on the course’s slope rating – that translates a player’s handicap index into her actual handicap for that particular course. The USGA also provi...
With the World Handicap System becoming ever more popular, you need a way to find out your playing handicap at different courses. Currently, to work out what your playing handicap would be at a particular course you rely on that course displaying the conversion chart publicly. However, this is...