Chinese Mythology 星级: 11 页 Chinese mythology 星级: 13 页 初级考试题 星级: 5 页 (Handbooks of World Mythology) Paul Steele-Handbook of Inca Mythology (Handbooks of World Mythology)-ABC-CLIO (2004) 星级: 337 页 ABC CLIO Handbooks of World Mythology Handbook of Polynesian Mythology ...
Handbooks of World Mythology Series. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Pp. xiv + 293, figs. $75. While the ABC-CLIO Handbooks series is expressly designed for the general reader, a new (and widely distributed) book on Chinese mythology in English is nonetheless cause for comment--and th...
Handbooks of World Mythology Series. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2005. Pp. xiv + 293, figs. $75. While the ABC-CLIO Handbooks series is expressly designed for the general reader, a new (and widely distributed) book on Chinese mythology in English is nonetheless cause for comment--and there ...
Handbook of Chinese Mythology的短评(1) 推荐Handbook of Chinese Mythology的豆列 未來族内之親友的參考簿 了解更多图书信息 返回图书首页 外国文学 最受关注虚构类 更多图书分类 值得一读 豆瓣 我们的精神角落 免费下载 iOS / Android 版客户端 用App 刷豆瓣,更愉快 ...
Handbook of Chinese Mythology 作者: Lihui Yang / Deming An 出版社: Oxford University Press出版年: 2008-3-13页数: 293定价: USD 24.95装帧: PaperbackISBN: 9780195332636豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介 ··· Every year, at the Wa Huang Gong temple ...
Handbook of Oriental Studies, Section Four, China-John Lagerwey, Marc Kalinowski-教育学.pdf,EARLY CHINESE RELIGION HANDBOOK OF ORIENTAL STUDIES SECTION FOUR CHINA edited by STEPHEN F. TEISER, MARTIN KERN AND TIMOTHY BROOK VOLUME 21–1 Early Chinese Relig
The wisdom of the ages is that most manipulation is subtle and covert. When Orwell drew on this wisdom, he envisioned the evolution of an insidious but successful mind and opinion manipulator. He would appear as a smiling, seemingly beneficent Big Brother. But instead of one Big Brother, we...
Chinese出版发行美国of中国社科院中国神话民俗学者出版公司研究员文学院日前,由我校文学院杨利慧教授与中国社科院安德明副研究员合著,并特邀美国民俗学博士生Jessica Anderson Turner负责英文校订的《中国神话手册》(Handbook of Chinese Mythology),于2005年8月由美国ABC-CLIO出版公司出版发行.这是中国民俗学者撰写的第一...
Handbook of Chinese MythologyMythology, CBastian, DMitchell, JYang, LAn, D
Handbook of Chinese Mythology 作者: Lihui Yang / Deming An / Jessica Anderson Turner 出版社: ABC-CLIO出版年: 2005-9-21页数: 293定价: USD 83.00装帧: HardcoverISBN: 9781576078068豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 ...