Video Streaming Matches were streamed on multiple platforms. For matches that were recorded on YouTube I have placed a direct link (see match results throughout) queued up to the start of the match. Matches recorded on Instagram, however, cannot be queued up and are generally only searchable...
In the 2018-19 timeframe board infighting eventually led to some direct engagement from the USOPC with the end result being the hiring of CEO Barry Siff and the selection of a new, very clearly Independent Director, Michael Wall to become the Board President. 2019 – 2024 The Most Independent...
Queen of the handball courts.Profiles handball player Rosemary Bellini. Features of her induction into the Handball Hall of Fame; Background on her career as a handball player; Tournaments won.RogersFrancisWomen's Sports & Fitness
HANDBALL.HANDBALL.Focuses on the women's handball team of Norway. Participation in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia; Accomplishments of the team; Reliance of the team on Cecilie Leganger and Kjersti Grini; Popularity of handball in Scandinavian countries.NobleKate...
The jump throw is the most applied throwing technique in teamhandball (Wagner et al., 2008); however, a comprehensive analysis of 3D-kinematics of the team-handball jump throw is lacking. Therefore, the purpose of our study was: 1) to measure differences in ball release speed in team-...
Xiu-hong Wei,Li-li Ji.Neuroscience Letters . 2014Wei X-h, Ji L-l. Effect of handball training on cognitive ability in elderly with mild cognitive impairment. Neurosci Lett. 2014;566:98-101. Available from:
Streaming: The Future has Finally Arrived… Maybe? I’ve been such a big proponent of getting more handball on TV because I think regular broadcasts would be the inflection points of all inflection points. The point where every discussion about handball would begin with “After handball was reg...
At the Olympics: HandballThe article presents the poem "At the Olympics: Handball," by Martin Langford. First Line: Overweight and bony-jawed, she cowers, Last Line: like the pooling of permission, of forgiveness?M. LangfordMeanjin
Handball Wizards.Focuses on the popularity of handball in New York City. Physical benefits of playing handball.GuyMikeEBSCO_AspNew York Times Magazine
Social Behavior and Personality 2003; 31 (1): 21-34.AGGRESSION IN YOUTH HANDBALL: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN GOAL ORIENTATIONS AND INDUCED MOTIVATIONAL CONTEXT. Olivier Rascle,Genevieve Coulomb. Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal . 2003...