挥手标志 Emoji 👋 U+1F44B 表情符號的含義 挥手标志. 杂项符号和象形文字. 符号「挥手标志」 包含在 「杂项符号和象形文字」 块的 「手形符號」 子块中,并在2010年作为Unicode版本6.0的一部分获得批准。在2015年,它还在版本1.0中被批准为表情符号,并被添加到 「人与身体」 类别的 「用手指张开手」 子...
The "Waving Hand" emoji (👋) is a pictographic representation of a human hand waving, typically used to signal greetings, goodbyes, or to acknowledge s
Breadcrumbs animated-fluent-emojis /docs / EMOJI_LIST_Hand_gestures.mdTop File metadata and controls Preview Code Blame 62 lines (61 loc) · 3.83 KB Raw Hand gestures IDUnicodeDescriptionKeywords 1f44b_wavinghand 👋 Waving hand waving, hand, wave 1f91a_raisedbackofhand 🤚 Raised back of...
The emoji symbol 👋🏻 (waving hand: light skin tone) was introduced in Emoji version 2.0, its Unicode point is U+1F44B 1F3FB.
Emoji: 🖐 Copy Meaning: hand with fingers splayed Codepoint: U+1F590 Copy Unicode Version: 7.0 (2014-06-16) Emoji Version: None Type Field: Unicode Name: RAISED HAND WITH FINGERS SPLAYED Qualified Status: 🟣 unqualified (See also 🟢 fully-qualified Emoji: 🖐️ - 1F590 FE0F...