SCP-6314-L:An intelligent loris named Liv the Literate Loris created byDr. Wondertainmentand a member of the Serpent's Hand. SCP-6314-M:A humanoid moose named Melanie the Manly Moose created Dr. Wondertainment. Usesxe/xyr pronounsand is a member of the Serpent's Nest, a group which acts...
Gow: opposes: westerners have a distinctive aesthetic discourse: we always make distinctions, make aesthetic judgememetns (Bourdieu: distinction/discrimination) If Anthropology avoids such judgments. Contextualisation: modernism moves art from its place. But anthropology has a modernist sensitivity, ...
Voluntary hand movements are usually impaired after a cerebral stroke, affecting millions of people per year worldwide. Recently, the use of hand exoskeletons for assistance and motor rehabilitation has become increasingly widespread. This study presents