bones of the human handBones of the hand, showing the carpal bones (wrist bones), metacarpal bones (bones of the hand proper), and phalanges (finger bones). anatomy Print Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica ...
hamstring muscle hamstring muscles hamstring tendon Hamstringing hamstrings hamular hamular notch hamulus hamulus of spiral lamina HANC network Hancock Hancock amputation Hancock, Henry hand Hand (anatomy) hand arm vibration syndrome hand condenser hand eczema Hand Foot & Mouth Syndrome Hand Foot Flat ...
Anatomy of the intrinsic hand muscles revisited: part II. Lumbricals. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2002;110(5):1225-1231.Eladoumikdachi F, Valkov PL, Thomas J, et al. Anatomy of the intrinsic hand muscles revisited: part I....
Related Document: A Patient’s Guide to Hand Anatomy Rationale What does the surgeon hope to achieve? The main goal of this surgery is to ease pain where the surfaces of the thumb joint are rubbing together. The surgeon uses a piece of tendon to form a spacer that separates the surfaces ...
Each lumbrical muscle originates from one or two adjacent tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus muscle. Lumbricals 1-2 are usually unipennate, meaning their fibers arise obliquely from one tendon, while lumbricals 3-4 are bipennate, arising from two adjacent tendons. The first lumb...
muscle [′məs·əl] (anatomy) A contractile organ composed of muscle tissue that changes in length and effects movement when stimulated. (histology) A tissue composed of cells containing contractile fibers; three types are smooth, cardiac, and skeletal. ...
The palmaris longus tendon is a commonly harvested structure for autogenous tendon grafting and other surgical procedures due to the length of the muscle's tendon, its superficial location and ease of access in the upper extremity, and its limited action as a wrist flexor and lack of functional...
FDP physiologic variants are prone to spontaneous flexor tendon ruptures. The 2 ulnar FDP tendons usually originate from the same muscle belly and separate in the forearm or carpal tunnel. However, the FDP tendons of digits 4 and 5 may fuse at the midpalmar level in some individuals. This ...
1. (Anatomy) a tissue composed of bundles of elongated cells capable of contraction and relaxation to produce movement in an organ or part 2. (Anatomy) an organ composed of muscle tissue 3. strength or force vb (intr; often foll by in, on, etc) informal to force one's way (in) [...
medialrotation,Hexion,andadduction-knownas opposi-tion.AbductorPollicisBrevisis the muscleresponsiblefor the initialstageof thisusefulmovement,as wellas forthemedialrotationoccurringatthisjoint,whichaugmentstherotarymovementatthecarpo-metacarpalsaddlejoint.SurfaceAnatomyThemusclebellycanbefeltonthethenareminencehalf-...