必应词典为您提供hand-joints的释义,un. 手关节;
hand jointsphalanxthumbtriangular fibrocartilage complexwrist jointsAnatomical variants of the hand and wrist may include osseous, nervous, vascular, and soft tissue structures. This chapter focuses on arthrologic variations. Among the most important considerations for appreciating anatomical variants is ...
Aim: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis (OA) lead to pain and function loss in the hand joints. Common clinical symptoms include reduction in the range of motion in joints, muscle strength and hand functions. The present study aimed to compare hand in...
joints of hand [TA] joints include the radiocarpal or wrist joint; intercarpal, carpometacarpal, intermetacarpal, metacarpophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints. Synonym(s): articulationes manus [TA], articulations of hand Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 joints of hand (joy...
UpdateHandJoints Method Reference Feedback Definition Namespace: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Input Assembly: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.SDK.dll C++ 複製 protected: override bool UpdateHandJoints(); Returns Boolean Applies to 產品版本 MRTK2 Unity 2019 2.8.0 MRTK2 Unity 202...
This example scene demonstrates how to use Solver to attach objects to the hand joints. Example scene You can find the example scene HandJointChaserExample scene in the Assets/MRTK/Examples folder under Demos/Input/Scenes/. Solver handler Click Tracked Object To Reference and select H...
Show Hand Joints in Apple vision Pro . Contribute to DikeyKing/HandJointsDemo_visionOS development by creating an account on GitHub.
is the hand joints postion value, so there should be 20*3 labels. In both debug and real-time mode of this program at running time, the program will output two files under folder HandPoseEstimation/OutputData: resultRaw.csv result.csv And with postfix of Debug or Real, imples which mode...
GetRelativeJoints(HandJointKind[], HandJointKind[], JointPose[]) 获取多个手关节的姿势,每个关节相对于其匹配的参考关节表示。 TryGetJoint(SpatialCoordinateSystem, HandJointKind, JointPose) 获取用指定坐标系表示的手关节的姿势。 TryGetJoints(SpatialCoordinateSystem, HandJointKind[], JointPose[]) 获取...
All joints except for tip joints are interior to the hand. Finger joint poses represent the base of the named bone. Joints are oriented with forward (-z) pointing towards the tip of each finger, up (+y) pointing out of the back of the hand or finger, and right (+x) pointing perpend...