手足口病(Hand Foot and Mouth Disease ) 手足口病(HFMD)是肠道病毒感染引起的急性传染病,多发生在5岁以下,是学龄前儿童的高发传染病。临床上分为轻症和重症病例。轻症患儿经对症治疗后大多预后良好,一般一周内痊愈。但也有累及呼吸、循环、中枢神经系统的重...
Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease in Adults Hand, foot, and mouth disease is much more common in younger children, but it can also affect adults. Children typically show at least some symptoms of HFMD, while adults may not have any noticeable symptoms at all, or their symptoms may be incorrec...
1800x1200_hand_foot_and_mouth_disease_bigbead Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) causes blistering of the hands, feet, and inside of the mouth. While anyone can get it, it's most common among young children. Symptoms usually clear without medication. (Photo Credit: Rasika Pereira/Medica...
hand foot mouth disease手足口病 hand, foot and mouth disease手足口病 手足口病是由肠道病毒引起的传染病,多发生于5岁以下儿童,可引起手、足、口腔等部位的疱疹,少数患儿可引起心肌炎、肺水肿、无菌性脑膜脑炎等并发症。个别重症患儿如果病情发展快,导致死亡。
手足口病(Hand foot and mouth disease HFMD)是一种儿童传染病,又名发疹性水疱性口腔炎.多发生于5岁以下儿童,可引起手、足、口腔等部位的疱疹,少数患儿可引起心肌炎、肺水肿、无菌性脑膜脑炎等并发症.个别重症患儿如果病情发展快,导致死亡.该病以手、足和口腔粘膜疱疹或破溃后形成溃疡为主要临床症状.手足口病是...
Hand, foot and mouth disease is relatively common among children, characterized by a fever, sores in the mouth and blistery rashes. 手足口病在儿童中较为普遍,主要症状就是发热、口疮和起水泡疹。 cn.reuters.com 5. Though infants with hand, foot and mouth disease suffer from severe conditions th...
Introduction: Hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) is an acute viral illness and a highly contagious infectious disease that usually occurs during summer months with a distinct clinical presentation of oral and cutaneous lesions. It is predominantly a childhood or immunodeficiency-associated disease ...
手足口病(hand-foot-mouth disease)是以手、足、口出现水疱为特征,病情轻而短暂,儿童多见。 症状体征 潜伏期3~5天,有低热、全身不适、腹痛等前驱症。1~2天内口腔、咽、软腭、颊黏膜、舌、齿龈出现疼痛性粟粒至绿豆大小水疱,周围绕以红晕,破溃成小溃疡,由于疼痛,常流涎和拒食。同时手足亦出现皮疹,在手足...
手足口病(Hand-foot-mouth disease, HFMD)是由肠道病毒感染引起的临床症候群,具有临床表现多样的特点,多数病例临床表现较轻,以发热和手、足、口腔等部位的皮疹或疱疹为主要特征。少数病例出现呼吸系统、中枢神经系统损害,引起脑炎、心肌炎、肺水肿、弛缓性麻痹等症状,个别重症患儿病情进展快,导致死亡。引发手足口病的...
Hand, foot, and mouth disease is a common virus, especially in kids under age 7. Learn how long to keep kids from school and stay home from work with HFMD.