By Andrea Tran RN, BSN, MA, IBCLC Breastfeeding mothers have been hand expressing breast milk since the beginning of time. With the proliferation of fancy electric breast pumps, some mamas may consider hand expressing a technique that is no longer neede
of the cows' rumen, which was re- flected in the good general health of the animals and also led to a higher milk yield. While the feed robot was initially designed and used only for Het- zenauer's own farm, other farmers soon began expressing interest in getting one of their own. ...
Prenatal Breastfeeding Education with or without Hand Expressing Human Milk and Breastfeeding Duration in a Rural PopulationTEXASBREASTFEEDINGCOLOSTRUMEDUCATIONAL outcomesSCIENTIFIC observationPUERPERIUMCHILD health servicesCHILDBIRTH educationLACTATIONRURAL population...