The complex anatomy of the hand and wrist joints permits the intricate movements and high function of the upper limb. This chapter provides an overview of the bony anatomy of the hand and wrist, their articulations, and muscular and tendinous attachments.Mandegaran, Ramin...
Generality–Anatomy解剖 Thewristisacomplexof15jointstobeinagoodbalancebetweenthembecauseanymalfunctionwilltendtoresultinaglobaldysfunctionofthewristitself.腕关节是一个由15个关节组成的良好平衡整体,因为任何的功能失常都会导致整体的功能失常 Functionallyyouhavetwojoints:其中两个最主要功能关节theradio-carpaljoint桡腕...
AnatomyoftheHandand Wrist Mnemonic for Learning Carpals SheLikesToPlay Lunate Inthemoonlight Triquetrum ThethirdTBone Pisiform Pea-shaped TryToCatchHer Trapezium: “It’sbythethumb” Trapezoid “Isbyitsside” Capitate Hamate Ahambone Withahook Scaphoid Aboat ClickRButtonforSlideshow BonesoftheWrist...
Hand and Wrist PART 1. Dorsal Approach to the Wrist Joint Julie E. Adams Scott P. Steinmann Dorsal approaches to the wrist joint are useful to address fractures, dislocations, ligamentous injuries, arthritis, and other pathology such as congenital anomalies or neoplasms (1, 2, 3). Moreover,...
The portion of the upper limb distal to the radiocarpal joint, comprising the wrist, palm, and fingers. Synonym(s): manus [TA], main [A.S.] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 hand (hănd) n. a. The terminal part of the human arm located below the forearm, used fo...
The human hand consists of a broad palm, the metacarpus, with five digits attached to the forearm by a joint called the wrist, or carpus. The back of the hand is formally called the dorsum of the hand. The hand is made up of 27 bones and contains 14 digital bones, also called phala...
(redirected fromHand (anatomy)) Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Legal Financial hand hand,terminal part of the forelimb in primates. The human hand consists of the wrist, palm, four fingers, and thumb. In humans and other primates, the thumb is opposable, i.e., it can be moved into a positio...
Hand and WristAnatomy Your forearm has two rotating bones called the radius and the ulna that allow you to move your wrist in a twisting motion and rotate the hand. The wrist is at the base of the hand connecting it to the forearm by carpals, eight tiny little bones that resemble pebbles...
The hand and wrist are common sites for trauma, resulting in various bony, capsular, ligamentous and tendinous injuries. Traumatic injuries of the wrist are very frequent and occur at every age. Some lesions happen characteristically in a specific decade of life. Bone mineralization, which could...
While during the adduction of the ulna , the radio slides proximally and the wrist is pulled in an increase of abduction . 在尺骨的外展时,桡骨向远端滑动,腕关节被推向前,增加外展得到角度。在尺骨内收时,桡骨向近端滑动,腕关节被拉得增加内收角度 Abduction , in the joint radiocarpal , will ...