Mind Stone 22% of 33741 decks +5% synergy Gruul Signet 18% of 6479 decks +6% synergy Golgari Signet 18% of 6479 decks +5% synergy Timeless Lotus 17% of 311 decks +3% synergy Relic of Sauron 16% of 4308 decks +5% synergy Thought Vessel 9% of 33741 decks -8% synergy Séance Board ...
The Stone-Geisser Q2 statistic is greater than zero for both NPS (0.122) and IMP (0.137), indicating that the model has predictive validity (Henseler et al., 2009). In terms of controls: firm age is negatively related to both NPS (β = -0.156, p < 0.001) and IMP (β = -0.144, ...
Baltimore often stood in as Washington D.C. when Netflix’s “House of Cards” was filmed. Frank and Claire Underwood’s house is no exception, and the exterior of their home can be found at 1609 Park Ave. in the Maryland city. You may also like:Best TV Show released the year you ...