However, some contemporary fatwas permit abortion in case the mother's life is in danger even after the ensoulment. For the Hanbali School, the fetus is generally, not absolutely, independent; the fetal life is not entirely perfect, since it depends on her mother's life. As to fetal ...
The meaning of HANBALI is an orthodox school of Muslim jurisprudence predominating in Saudi Arabia.
if you are unable to read, it is necessary for you to go to school. this forum is not for 8th graders. however, still out of courtesy: if you have confusion about something, please state it clearly. you cannot just be vague as "that one and that one". UwaysRida said: ↑ Could...
The relation of Ibn Taymiya and Ibn !ayyim al-Jawziyya to the Hanbali school of lawThis article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )Christopher Melchert
Ẓāhirīyah, followers of an Islamic legal and theological school that insisted on strict adherence to the literal text (ẓāhir) of the Qurʾān and Ḥadīth (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muḥammad) as the only source of Muslim law. It