simple fiqh quiz for you (and me and all of us): 1. if a hindu born to both hindu parents in the US, and doesn't know anything about his beliefs, and has never prostrated to an idol - what is the hukm of Shari3ah on him - what is he counted as in terms of beliefs and rel...
fiqh, Muslimjurisprudence—i.e., the science ofascertainingthe precise terms of theSharīʿah, or Islamic law. Thecollectivesources of Muslim jurisprudence are known asuṣūl al-fiqh. While Sharīʿah is considered to bedivineand immutable,fiqh, the human effort to know the Sharīʿah, ...
and his other nephew, shamsuddin abdur RaHman, the son of abu umar said: "my paternal uncle muwaffaquddin would say: 'i and hafiz abdul ghani wore the khirqah at the hands of shaykh al-islam abdul Qadir at the same time; we studied with him fiqh and we heard from him (hadith),...