☰ Random Game Random Anime Share ▼ View all characters Series ID 101304 Media Type Anime Title Hana Yori Dango English Title Boys Over Flowers Aliases Romaji Title Hana Yori Dango Furigana Title はなよりだんご Japanese Title 花より男子 Japanese Studio Name 東映アニメーション English Stu...
1 photo Storyline Edit Plot Summary Hana Yori Dango is a 1995 Japanese movie based on Japanese comic, Boys Over Flowers (Hana Yori Dango), written by Yoko Kamio. This movie is the first live-action movie adaptation and paved the way for the other adaptations: Taiwan's Meteor Garden trilogy...
very good
The title “Boys Before Flowers” (or the Japanesehana yori dango) refers to the privileged quartet who rule the roost at their elite private school. They’ve adopted the name “Flower Four,” which gets shortened to F4, and are in their last year of high school at the incredibly exclusiv...
在线看Hana yori dango / Цветочкипослеягодок - 1.. 46分钟 49秒。2012 7月 30的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注Ð
When watching the Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers) anime, it seemed like there was a distinctly different art style for the final episode (#51). Not remarkably different, but noticeable enough that it made me wonder if something had changed for the last episode... different di...
Going into Hana Yori Dango: Final, you will belong to either one of two camps. Which camp you belong to, ultimately, will affect how much you enjoy this movie spinoff of a popular TV drama series. For fans of the TBS drama based on Yoko Kamio’s bestselling shojo manga series, Hana...
Sources:Hana Yori Dango Wikia,Anime News Network (manga information),Wikipedia (Boys over Flowers),MTV India, andAnime News Network (Season 2). Big thank you to our supporters From their continous support, we are able to pay our team for their time and hard work on the site. ...
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hana yori dango (boys over flowers) omu tsukushi makino just wants to get through high school. and that might even be easy, if she weren’t attending eitoku high, a school that caters to the kids of the rich and the elite. coming from a poor family, tsukushi sticks out like a weed,...