example 複製 hanadb1 hanadb2 [A] 請準備好 OS,以便在 Azure NetApp 上使用 NFS 執行 SAP HANA,如同 SAP 附註 3024346 - 適用於 NetApp NFS 的 Linux 核心設定所述。 為 NetApp 組態設定建立組態檔 /etc/sysctl.d/91-NetApp-HANA.conf。 Bash 複製 sudo vi /etc...
[default: 200] -f, --folder, --Folder DB Module Folder Name [string] [default: "./"] -n, --filename, --Filename File name [string] -o, --output, --Output Output Format for inspection [string] [choices: "hdbtable", "cds", "hdbmigrationtable"] [default: "cds"] --useHana...
This is a very simple example showing how to use this module:var hdb = require('hdb'); var client = hdb.createClient({ host : 'hostname', port : 30015, user : 'user', password : 'secret' }); client.on('error', function (err) { console.error('Network connection error', err)...
In the src section of DB moduleCreate a folder “defaults”In the defaults folder create a file “default_access_role.hdbrole”The default of the role is currently defined as: { "role": { "name": "default_access_role", "schema_privileges": [ { "privileges": [ "DELETE", "CREATE ...
sapcontrol -nr 03 -function StopWait 600 10 hdbnsutil -sr_register --remoteHost=hn1-db-0 --remoteInstance=03 --replicationMode=sync --name=SITE2 Configure SAP HANA 1.0 System Replication[1] Create the required users. Run the following command as root: Bash Copy ...
hdbnsutil -sr_register --name=SITE-DR --remoteHost=hana-s1-db1 --remoteInstance=03 --replicationMode=async --online 验证HANA 系统复制是否显示辅助站点和第三个站点。 Bash 复制 # Verify HANA HSR is in sync, execute on primary sudo su - hn1adm -c "python /usr/sap/HN1/HDB03/exe/...
#Following is the example of connecting to database #Import module from hdbcli import dbapi #Open the database conenciton conn = dbapi.connect(address="<hostname/IP>", port=3<NN>MM,user="<username>", password="<password>" ) # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor = ...
sudo cat /usr/sap/HN1/SYS/global/hdb/custom/config/global.ini# Example#global.ini last modified 2019-09-10 00:12:45.192808 by hdbnameserve[communication] internal_network = 10.23.3/24 listeninterface = .internal [internal_hostname_resolution] = hanadb1 =...
In this example, SID:H01, InstanceNumber:00, params ip:, Script file name HANA_HA_script.txt ###SAP HANA Topology is a resource agent that monitors and analyze the HANA landscape and communicate the status between two nodes## primitive rsc_SAPHanaTopology_HDB ocf:suse:SAPHanaTo...
Example 17: Checking the Operation Mode Check both global.ini files and add the operation mode if needed. Check the section ´system_replication´ for entry ´operation_mode = logreplay´. Path for the global.ini: /hana/shared/<SID>/global/hdb/custom/config/ [system_replication] oper...