However, considering the authorization of the business user, we need to use Authorization Object V_VBAK_VKO and V_VBRK_VKO separately when end user is planning for income sales or sales volume. To do this, we could use additional CDS view + DCL to realize. Example on ERG/001: CDS: ZMX...
For most of the tables the structural compatibility is still ensured because the delivered proxy CDS view uses the $EXTENSION keyword at the end which adds fields from APPENDs at the end of a table also at the end of the proxy CDS view. This is the case for the proxy CDS views for the...
One example of extensible CDS view is I_PRODUCT, in transaction code SCFD_REGISTRY, you can find the usage registration on E_PRODUCT below: After I have created extension field in MARA, The extension field will also appear in extension view: As a result this field will also appear in SQL...
因此,如果要升级到S/4 HANA系统,必须把现有程序里的取KONV/KONP表修改,这样才能保证报表正常运行。后来我们发现SAP已经为KONV创建了一个CDS视图。它被命名为V_KONV_CDS。但是为什么SAP没有将视图命名为与表名相同的视图,即KONV。如果你知道,请留言。 看看SAP是如何使用与以前的BSIS透明表相同的名称创建CDS View的。
SAP S/4HANA里extension include view和extension view的区别 These three kinds of concepts are very important in CDS extensibility world! (1) extensible CDS view: developed by SAP, for example I_PRODUCT. (2) extension include view: developed by SAP, for example... ...
我只要遇到和CDS view相关的问题解决不了,就会去找Sean求助。Sean尤其擅长HANA系统的性能调优,曾经在SAP Labs China举行的内部HANA 性能调优竞赛中获得第二名的优异成绩, 并且得到时任SAP中国研究院总裁孙小群女士的亲笔签名证书。 作为一名架构师,Sean同时也是SAP中国研究院内部架构师系列培训课程的官方讲师。同时,他...
SAP ABAP CDS view和HANA CDS view的区别 这两种技术都是SAP提出的"Code pushdown"理念的具体实现。SAPABAPCDS view位于ABAP应用服务器层,使用OPEN SQL,支持的数据库不限HANA,因此既能在ECC也能在S/4HANA里使用;ABAPCDS view的使命是身为SAPABAP新一代编程模型的一部分,帮助开发人员以更现代的方式进行ABAP应用开...
So, where can I find the other CDS Views relevant for sales ? Example: If I want to select a sales order table (VBAK) or billing document (VBRK), where is the corresponded CDS view like V_KONV used in your example for KONV. I saw this link:
Below you can see example how to create part of our configuration. First manually create package prj-testing using user SYSTEM Then create analytic privilege ANALYTIC_TESTING_ALL still using user SYSTEM. Click Finish (no need to add objects). Check option “Applicable to all Information Models”...
@AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZV_DEMO_01' @ClientDependent: true @AbapCatalog.compiler.CompareFilter: true @EndUserText.label: 'Demo' define view Zcds_Demo_Example1 as select from snwd_so join snwd_so_i on snwd_so.node_key = snwd_so_i.parent_key ...