Heritability estimates of body size measurements were 0.21 to 0.36. Heritability estimates of retail cut percentage were high (0.56 from Model 1 and 0.47 from Model 2). And the heritability estimates for loin muscle percentage were 0.36 from Model 1 and 0.42 from Model 2,which were high enough...
From these two measurements body mass index (BMI, kg/m2) was calculated. Determination of serum lipid levels Venous blood samples were collected after an overnight (at least 12 hours) fast. A part of the sample (2 mL) was collected into glass tubes and allowed to clot at room temperature...
While it’s too early to draw firm conclusions about which grapes do best in the area, Roger has already concluded from his own measurements that growing conditions are somewhat warmer than first anticipated. That’s one reason he’s considering grafting shiraz, a proven variety in our warmer ...
was used for the level of blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure was determined by the first Korotkoff sound, and diastolic blood pressure by the fifth Korotkoff sound. Body weight, to the nearest 50 grams, was measured using a portable balance scale. Subjects were weighed without shoes and in...
Body measurements, such as body height, body length, and chest girth, were taken using a measuring stick and tape (Newton HT-501A, CAS Korea, Sungnam, Republic of Korea). Body weight was measured using a cattle weight-bridge. Dry matter intake of cows and calves was calculated by ...
5405 7 of 21 time interaction rate of the i+1 measurement point (µmol·m−2·s−1), ti is the instantaneous time of the initial measurement point, ti+1 is the instantaneous time of the next measurement point (h), j is the number of measurements, 3600 refers to 3600 s per hou...