The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 汉堡包 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 汉堡包 is hamburger .
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 汉堡 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 汉堡 is hamburger; Hamburg .
Lingdi(Liu Hong) Great-great-grandson of Zhangdi; the country was again in great disarray, meaning that people lived a very hard life. The rule of Lingdi intensified all kinds of social (divides) contradictions that caused the insurgence led by Zhang Jiao. 168 - 189 26 Xiandi (Liu Xie...
sometimes dubbed one of modern China’s four grand new inventions to the world, the red packet has evolved into digital ones with which you can tailor words of blessing and “insert” a specified amount of money with an auspicious meani...
Huang, the meaning of chui guang is “glory illuminates, bounties bestowed to the world” (光辉普照,恩泽人间之意) which would refer to the achievements of Emperor Wu. During the 1980’s, a number of these dragon, horse and turtle coins were unearthed at various archaeological digs. These ...
Support for learning Korean more easily & Translate work-related documents, voice when traveling or working abroad, get the meaning of different words in photo, signal . FEATURES • Get text translation to english from Korean and many languages over the world. • Listen to voice translator in...
Here for rich, rich meaning.3.: only (zh branch) book, Gao Mo: on the Yin Jing Liude. Poetry 6、Xiaoya I for the wild: not to become rich,Only in different ways. Poetry Xiaoya: no without the cart will only come from the dust cart. Poem, song, long hair: God is only. Zuo...
- modals combine with imperfective infinitives in order to generate epistemic meaning (EMV) (1) a. He must leave now. (DMV/*EMV) ≠ b. He must be leaving now. (*DMV/EMV) c. He must give money to them. (DMV/*EMV) ≠ d. He must be giving money to them. (*DMV/EMV) (Lei...
414.Unified Visual-Semantic Embeddings: Bridging Vision and Language with Structured Meaning Representations 作者:Hao Wu, Jiayuan Mao, Yufeng Zhang, Yuning Jiang, Lei Li, Weiwei Sun, Wei-Ying Ma 论文链接: 413.Generating Multiple Hypotheses for 3D Human Pose Estim...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 含苞 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 含苞 is be in bud .