The meaning of HAMZA is the sign for a glottal stop in Arabic orthography usually represented in English by an apostrophe.
: the sign for a glottal stop in Arabic orthography usually represented in English by an apostrophe Word History Etymology Arabic hamza, literally, compression First Known Use 1813, in the meaning defined above Time Traveler The first known use of hamza was in 1813 See more words from the...
Define Waw hamza. Waw hamza synonyms, Waw hamza pronunciation, Waw hamza translation, English dictionary definition of Waw hamza. also ham·zah n. A sign in Arabic orthography used to represent the sound of a glottal stop, transliterated in English as an
Define hamzas. hamzas synonyms, hamzas pronunciation, hamzas translation, English dictionary definition of hamzas. also ham·zah n. A sign in Arabic orthography used to represent the sound of a glottal stop, transliterated in English as an apostrophe. Am
[from Arabic hamzah, literally: a compression] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ham•za (ˈhɑm zɑ) n., pl. -zas. a sign used in Arabic writing to ...
Define Hamzatu l-wasl. Hamzatu l-wasl synonyms, Hamzatu l-wasl pronunciation, Hamzatu l-wasl translation, English dictionary definition of Hamzatu l-wasl. also ham·zah n. A sign in Arabic orthography used to represent the sound of a glottal stop, transl
Define Alif hamza. Alif hamza synonyms, Alif hamza pronunciation, Alif hamza translation, English dictionary definition of Alif hamza. also ham·zah n. A sign in Arabic orthography used to represent the sound of a glottal stop, transliterated in English